Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Notable Quotables of '04'

Here's a roundup of some great quotes from 2004, courtesy John Leo, writing for townhall.com

Cameron Diaz: said that if you think rape should be legal, you should not vote in November.

John Leguizamo (comededian): said that hispanics who voted for Bush would be like roaches voting for Raid.

John Edwards: “I’d say if you live in the United States of America and you vote for George Bush, you’ve lost your mind.”

Ter-ray-sa Heinz: more qoutes than space will permit.

Walter Cronkite: said that Karl Rove "probably set up bin laden" to deliver his latest tape.

Julian Bond, head of the NAACP: said that Republicans’ “idea of equal rights is the American flag and Confederate swastika flying side by side.”

Natalie Maines (Dixie Chick): in reference to the fan outrage to her previous anit-Bush statements said “I realize that I’m just supposed to sing and look cute so our fans won’t have anything to upset them while they’re cheating on their wives or driving around in their pickup trucks shooting small animals.”

Michael Moore: compared Iraqi insurgents to the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War.


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