Well...I've been busy for a few weeks, and apparently J-red has too. In the past we've sort of covered for each other (ok, mostly he covered for me) but we really have missed a lot of big news. So I think I'll post a bit of my thoughts on a few of the bigger stories of the week.
I don't know much about law (or judges) but I know what I like. I hadn't heard anything about Judge Roberts before his nomination, but the more I learned about him, the more impressed I got. He was an amazing pick... Then came Harriet Miers. Similar to Roberts, I hadn't heard of her before her nomination. The more I learned about her, the more I had to aggree with the Glenn Reynolds. Miers is (was) underwhelming as a nominee. So I vacilated between hoping she'd fail in confirmation and wishing she'd just go away. Reading a few of the right-wing blogs, it was amazing how well some analysts anticipated what would happen.
Some links:
What was wrong with the nomination...
How the President goofed...
Why the President goofed...
Who the president should nominate....
I've heard a bunch of suggestions for the SCOTUS spot, pretty much the same ones that were being suggested before Miers. John Fund of the WSJ points out Chris Cox, a former congressman and current chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as a possible nominee. I just don't see it though. In the current state of the administration, I don't think the president has the political guts to name a non-minority to the court. After touting Miers sex by her pre-withdrawl defenders, not nominating a female, or at least a minority, would cause an uproar from the left. They'd almost canonize the martyred Miers, and whine about how she would have been good enough.
Now for a really strong minority nomination, I'd aggree with IMAO that we need this guy.