I have a bad feeling about this...
I think this immigrant boycott is a terrible idea. I think the organizers have severely miscalculated the response that America will have for this.
More to come...
Encouraging ideological DIVERSITY, political TOLERANCE and EQUALITY of opportunity.
I think this immigrant boycott is a terrible idea. I think the organizers have severely miscalculated the response that America will have for this.
One of the most influential books of my youth was Atlas Shrugged. I read it in 10th grade, preferring it to the other choices in that year's English class, and it changed my life. I credit it as "the book that made me a capitalist." I chose to re-read it, and as I near the conclusion I was surprised to see this news about a possible film adaptation.
There is much talk about oil, a lot of demagoguery, and a bit of hysteria. For an excellent, thorough perspective on the state of the world's oil supply, check out this piece by Ron Bailey. An excerpt:
Michelle Malkin, in my opinion one of the best bloggers out there, has just started up a new site called Hot Air. Just as blogs are used to enhance normal print journalism, Michelle uses Hot Air to set up audio and video webcasts to compete with mainstream news broadcasts.
An interesting article on evolution and conservatism.
The late paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould proposed that science and religion be considered "non-overlapping magisteria," each profiting from dialogue with theBYU has it right.
other. Many scientists have rejected this notion, arguing that science has nothing to gain from accommodating religion. Likewise, religious fundamentalists insist that divine truth supersedes empirical discovery. Within the confines of the laboratory and the sanctuary, both attitudes might be reasonable. For society as a whole, though, they're not constructive. If Gould's idea were to be taken more seriously, the fear of Darwin and natural selection might go the way of Tiktaalik, without harming
society thereby.
Here's an interesting read on the harch treatment Central American immigrants in Mexico receive at the hands of local and state police in Mexico.
Michael Barone's blog is one of the best on the web. Among other interesting topics, he points how incorrect the conventional wisdom on American philanthropy is.
Evan Maloney puts Frances' backdown of its new employment laws in context.
The defence team in the Moussaoui trial sound an awful lot like the Bard in his play Hamlet.
Defense lawyers hope the jury will spare Moussaoui's life because of his limited role in the attacks, evidence of mental illness and because they say his execution would only fuel his dream of martyrdom.
Another dispicable attack at a Sunni mosque:
"At least two of the bombers were dressed as women and blew themselves up inside the mosque complex," a security official told AFP.
An AFP photographer at the scene said "a woman dressed in a traditional abaya (head-to-toe robe) blew herself up at the entrance of the mosque as worshippers
were stepping out."
Iraq's powerful Shiite politician Abdel Aziz al-Hakim of Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the main party in the Shiite alliance, blamed the attack on Hussein loyalists. "These mobs of Saddamists do not care about innocent lives and they are perpetrating genocide against Shiites," Hakim said.
I've been extremely busy as of late, which attests to why I haven't posted in a while, so over the past few weeks, I didn't really hear much of the details regarding the rioting students in Paris. All I knew was that there was a proposed new employment law.