Interviews with interesting people
Today I've read a few interviews of 60's pop-culture radicals who've turned conservative in their old age. While I don't agree with all their opinions (or their language) they do have a certain charm. Ted Nugent is a 60's rocker who's bluntly and sometimes vulgarly conservative. Oriana Fallaci is an Italian reporter who has aggressively interviewed several of "the worldÂs most powerful figures: Yasir Arafat, Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Haile Selassie, Deng Xiaoping. Henry Kissinger." Though theexcerptss below don't show it, the thing these two have in common is their recognition of the danger of Militant Islam. If you don't have time to read both, definitely go for Fallaci.
CAUTION: Language!
Ted Nugent:
"What do these deer think when they see you coming?" I ask him. "Here comes the nice guy who puts out our dinner? Or, there's the man that shot my brother?"
"I don't think they're capable of either of those thoughts, [edited]. They're only interested in three things: the best place to eat, having sex and how quickly they can run away. Much like the French."
"You wrote a song called 'Dog Eat Dog'. You see the world like that. But we're not dogs - that's the trouble."
"Remember the movie Old Yeller? Everybody loved him. He brought us our slippers. We gave him cookies. But when Old Yeller gets rabies, you shoot him in the [edited] head. It's that simple."
Oriana Fallaci:
Equally absorbing, in a different way, was the section of her 1969 book, "Nothing, and So Be It," in which she describes the events of October, 1968, in Mexico City, when soldiers shot and bayonetted hundreds of anti-government protesters. Fallaci was detained with a group of students, and was ultimately shot three times. "In war, you've really got a chance sometimes, but here we had none," she writes. "The wall they'd put us up against was a place of execution; if you moved the police would execute you, if you didn't move the soldiers would kill you, and for many nights afterward I was to have this nightmare, the nightmare of a scorpion surrounded by fire, unable even to try to jump through the fire because if it did so it would be pierced through." Dragged down the stairs by her hair and left for dead, Fallaci was ultimately taken to a hospital, where she underwent surgery to remove the bullets. One of the doctors who cared for her came close and murmured, "Write all you've seen. Write it!"She did, becoming a crucial witness to a massacre that the Mexican government denied for years.