Wednesday, April 13, 2005

UN, the Protector of Muslim Sensibilities

I guess that I had started thinking of the UN as a bunch of corrupt antisemitic-America-haters. While that is still true, they have now become protectors of Islam:
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations Commission on Human Rights called on Tuesday for combating defamation of religions, especially Islam, and condemned discrimination against Muslims in the West's war on terrorism. The 53-member state forum adopted a resolution, presented by Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), deploring the intensification of a "campaign of defamation" against Muslims following the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States. Western countries, including the United States and European Union (EU), voted against the text, calling it unbalanced for failing to address problems suffered by other religious groups.
The OIC resolution was adopted by a vote of 31 countries in favor and 16 against, with five abstentions and one delegation absent, Indonesia's ambassador Makarim Wibisono, who chairs the annual six-week session, announced after the public vote. "Stereotyping of any religion as propagating violence or its association with terrorism constitutes defamation of religion. It unfortunately breeds a culture of hatred, disharmony and discrimination," Pakistan's envoy, Masood Khan, said in a speech on behalf of the OIC, which links 57 Islamic nations.
There was "a growing trend of defamation of Islam and discrimination faced by Muslims and the people of Arab descent in many parts of the world," he said, citing attacks on places of worship and religious symbols.
In a recent report, the U.N. special investigator on racism, Doudou Diene, cited examples including "Islamophobic violence" after the murder last November of Dutch film director Theo Van Gogh, and an "alarming number of expulsions of imams" in Europe.

Even Cuba got into the West-bashing:
"Islam has been the subject of very deep campaign of defamation. All you have to do is look at the films which have come out of Hollywood the last few years," said Cuba's delegate, Rodolfo Reyes Rodriguez.
This isn't the first time that the OIC has proposed this:
In contrast to the last-minute efforts in 1997, the OIC countries began their efforts to pass a resolution (under the agenda item "Racism") condemning what they called the "Defamation of Islam" right at the start of the UNCHR's 1999 session. They claimed—in negotiations with the European Union (EU), the United States, and other delegations—that "Islam, one of the principal religions of the world, is being landered in different quarters, including in human rights fora."16 On behalf of the OIC countries, Pakistan's Ambassador Akram on April 29, 1999, introduced draft resolution L.40, entitled the "Defamation of Islam."
To justify this text, he compared "the emergence of a new manifestation of intolerance and misunderstanding and misconception of Islam and Muslim peoples in various parts of the world" to "antisemitism in the years of the past."

It's resolutions like this one that make me glad that the UN is such a toothless, whining bunch of squablers.


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